[Proposal] Add Amplifier to the Axelar Mainnet

This post represents a series of proposals that will be made to the Axelar network with the purpose of deploying and setting up Amplifier for mainnet integrations. Learn more about the architecture of the Interchain Amplifier: https://docs.axelar.dev/dev/amplifier/introduction

These contracts have been audited by Halborn and NCC and tested on testnet (see past testnet proposals such as the MultisigProver contract).

Proposals will include:

  • :white_check_mark: Adjust max gas/block and max size (224)
  • :white_check_mark: Store contract code for 9 Amplifier contracts
    • Coordinator (GitHub) - A base contract for registering prover contracts and setting the currently active verifiers.
    • Multisig (GitHub) - A base contract that manages signing sessions and verifier public keys.
    • Nexus Gateway (GitHub) - A base contract that allows routing to non-amplifier connected chains.
    • Rewards (GitHub) - A base amplifier contract that tracks participation by verifiers in voting and signing, tracks reward pools, and allows distribution of funds based on contribution and epoch.
    • Router (GitHub) - A base amplifier contract that creates connections between integrated chains.
    • Service Registry (GitHub) - A base Amplifier contract with methods for verifiers to bond, register support for a chain, and to authorize them on the network.
    • Voting Verifier (GitHub) - The contract instantiated or customized by integrating chains for vote-based verification of messages by verifiers.
    • Gateway (GitHub) - A contract insantiated or customized by integrating chains to act as a gateway for messages with that chain.
    • Multisig Prover ([GitHub]) - A contract instantiated or customized by integrators to create proofs for a destination chain.
  • :white_check_mark: Nexus Gateway Update
  • :white_check_mark: Register first Amplifier service: “amplifier”
  • Verifier Onboarding

Additional information about chain integrations will be provided prior to those proposals going on-chain.

The verifiers being approved in the initial set include the following teams. Each of these verifiers has proven their track record in testnet. Most of these verifiers were sourced from the existing Validator set.

Verifier Mainnet Address History
0base.vc axelar16ulxkme882pcwpp43rtmz7cxn95x9cqalmas5h Testnet History
4sv axelar1t23g23u5pcuh9y2stzesf4cx5z3jr66zykkffm Testnet History
AlexZ axelar1qgwu4jjgeapqm82w4nslhwlzxa3mjd8fvn4xdx Testnet History
AutoStake axelar1x9qfct58w0yxecmc294k0z39j8fqpa6nzhwwas Testnet History
B-Harvest axelar104jgwmkat4xn2800r6yd44djjhgw2ejrjvqkaj Testnet History
Bokoblinet axelar15jgwuakp87hjr0z24f5dhurhas6hdy9h64jfrc Testnet History
Brightlystake axelar1zhazt54ewqhva5pujhfyhr7sf39hm7myatmjtd Testnet History
BwareLabs axelar19f26mhy2x488my9pc6wr5x74t4gde8l8scq34g Testnet History
Chainlayer axelar18mrzfgk63sv455c84gx0p70kl2e329gxnsmgsu Testnet History
Chainode Tech axelar1nrk5wk4446342lgcdpjllen4ydc2f2c35h9ynf Testnet History
ContributionDAO axelar1dqqeuwvpvn2dr7gw7clayshzdemgu7j9cluehl Testnet History
Cosmostation axelar176z3pet0sd5zfqpd66pzfeesnatzcj5ph25ljd Testnet History
DSRV axelar1lkg5zs5zgywc0ua9mpd9d63gdnl3ka9n07r5fg Testnet History
Encapsulate (fka KingSuper) axelar1k2r0ln9urcc02cenazlny58524re467xcd6hq4 Testnet History
Enigma axelar1hm3qzhevpsfpkxnwz89j9eu6fy8lf36sl6nsd8 Testnet History
Figment axelar1wuckkey0xug0547lr3pwnuag79zpns5xt49j9a Testnet History
Imperator.co axelar1k22ud8g8k7dqx4u5a77gklf6f6exth0u474vt2 Testnet History
Interop Labs axelar1p0z7ff4wru5yq0v2ny5h6vx5e6ceg06kqnhfpg Testnet History
Inter Blockchain Services axelar1s2cf963rm0u6kxgker95dh5urmq0utqq3rezdn Testnet History
LunaNova axelar1d8xyrpwpqgp9m2xuaa8gwhgraqvq8y5unv924h Testnet History
Node.Monster axelar1kaeq00sgqvy65sngedc8dqwxerqzsg2xf7e72z Testnet History
Nodiums axelar1ym6xeu9xc8gfu5vh40a0httefxe63j537x5rle Testnet History
P-OPS Team axelar1uu6hl8uvkxjzwpuacaxwvh7ph3qjyragk62n2e Testnet History
polkachu.com axelar1zqnwrhv35cyf65u0059a8rvw8njtqeqjckzhlx Testnet History
QuantNode axelar1ejv5td70estc7ed4avnxnqqv4tpef2zafdkgms Testnet History
Qubelabs axelar1up6evve8slwnflmx0x096klxqh4ufaahsk9y0s Testnet History
Redbooker axelar1kr5f2wrq9l2denmvfqfky7f8rd07wk9kygxjak Testnet History
RockawayX Infra axelar1x0a0ylzsjrr57v2ymnsl0d770nt3pwktet9npg Testnet History
Squid axelar1mpp7huuq45qfv0585wej7h76nk545e2jkrxpez Testnet History
Stakin axelar15k8d4hqgytdxmcx3lhph2qagvt0r7683cchglj Testnet History
Validatrium axelar1eu4zvmhum66mz7sd82sfnp6w2vfqj06gd4t8f5 Testnet History
WhisperNode axelar1gy6gcqwkmcq4g9mm4g3rsfqplza3urnh00gas3 Testnet History
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If these are necessary for the Amplifier to function I’m all for it. Especially if the audits were done successfully!

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Hi Stephen,

where are the details ? proposals are on-chain

Only proposals to store smart contracts have been made at this time, as well as the gas limit configs.

Once these contracts are stored on the network, they will be instantiated, and then there will be proposals to configure the Amplifier service, then verifiers and new integrations can be added. Verifier and integration onboarding proposals will be submitted in about a week or two, with more information provided for those proposals.